Thursday, August 21, 2014

Rolling Again!

For the random person still out there, I am rolling shortly on my next adventure! Tour of North Georgia, or TNGA, is a 350 mile self-supported MTB race very much in the mold of Tour Divide. It should take only (!) about 3 days to complete, beginning the morning of Saturday, August 23rd.

I hope to ride honorably enough for the memory of my Tour Divide friend Ray Porter, who we lost last December to cancer. We shared thousands of miles out there, but I didn't get to ride TNGA with him, one of his favorites.

I won't write much if at all during the ride, but please follow my blue dot to kick me in the pants.

Follow along:

Please to Big Pig Cancer Foundation, created in Ray's honor. Link is available at trackleaders, in my profile.

TNGA features 56,000 feet of climbing! Yowza! Fortunately my rig is 10 lbs lighter than it was in 2011.
