Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday Recap

Monday was good but a lot of rain, as I understand.  The boys (JP, Tom, Ray and Martin the fellow from the UK) stayed at the Holland Lake Lodge.  It looks absolutely gorgeous!  http://www.hollandlakelodge.com/  Definitely not roughing it last night!  They had wifi but no cell signal, so I didn't get to talk to him on the phone.  Only email.

JP sent this photo of the view from his room.  I could get used to that.  :0)

Today, they're back on the trail and the radar looks a bit better for them.  JP seems to be in great spirits and loving the adventure!


  1. So JP *just* called!! They are in Seeley Lake and had stopped at a gas station for supplies. He sounds pretty good. Said today is the first day that they all feel a little bit subdued because yesterday was draining.

    He was a little annoyed because service people they encounter along the way don't seem to get that they are in hurry. At the gas station, he got a prepackaged burrito and the person insisted on sticking it in the microwave even though JP insisted he needed to go and would eat it cold. Oh well!

    Not sure when he'll be able to call again, but sure was great to hear his voice!

  2. Onward to the end of the rainbow!!!

  3. bitter sweet... good to know there are still caring people out there! :)
    i would love to stay at that hotel.. how nice to wake up to that every morning!

  4. I just love that he's pickin' "Burrito".....

  5. Glad you got to talk to EE, and hope today is riding vs hike-a-bike. Stay well, and in good spirits! We love ya!

  6. I thought I saw a rainbow! I am glad they had a nice place to sleep after the draining day. There are more rainbows out there JP!
